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Live Virtual Class: Synthetic Phonics Training 2021
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Live Virtual Class: Morning Routine Training [11 December 2020]
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Live Virtual Class: Cognitive Science for Teachers [4 December 2020]
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Live Virtual Class: Synthetic Phonics Training [27 November 2020]
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Grammar 7: Conjunctions
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Guided Reading 4: Mythbuster Edition
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Morning Routine Quadrants 1: Calendar / Weather
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Fab 5 Part 2: Phonemic Awareness
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Explicit Instruction: Explanation Techniques
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Writing 5: Cohesion
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Writing 4: Setting
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Grammar 5: Compound Sentences
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Grammar 6: Complex Sentences
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Live Virtual Class TRIAL REPLAY
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Live Virtual Class: Synthetic Phonics Training [18 September 2020]
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Dem Lessons: Guided Reading 1 (Kindy/Prep): Single Word Blending
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Dem Lessons: Phonics (Year 1)
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Dem Lessons: Phonics (Kindy/Prep/Transition/Foundation/Reception/Pre-Primary)
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Dem Lessons: Guided Reading 2 (Kindy/Prep): Decodable Sentences
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